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Ceasefire and Peacebuilding Statement in Libya by the General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace

11 - 07 - 2020 12:51 300

Based on the goals and principles of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) to spread the values
of tolerance and peace around the world and the clauses of the statute of the Council, that confirm:
- Upholding the values of tolerance and spreading a culture of peace among people;
- Supporting peaceful settlement of disputes and strengthening international peace and security;
- Encouraging initiatives aimed to provide happiness and a decent life for every human being;
- Promoting the pillars of sustainable development and providing humanitarian assistance to people seeking
And despite the recent violence and instability in Libya, there is still an opportunity for peace; In this context,
joint efforts and coordinated support from the international community are essential for stabilization, peace, and
The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace stands side by side with the Libyan people, and maintains an
equal distance from all parties, for their quest to achieve stability and peace and to resolve the conflict by
negotiations and use of diplomatic solutions between the Libyans. Together with the international community,
we will continue to help Libya in a Libyan-led process of democratic transition and economic reconstruction,
based on social justice, inclusiveness, and local peace.
The General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace (GATP) has held an urgent session as a response to the
challenges of stability and peace in Libya, on the 10th of July 2020, regarding peacebuilding and reconciliation
in Libya, covering the following areas:
• Supporting the Libyan-Libyan dialogue and peace process in coordination with the United Nations.
• Respecting the integrity and independence of Libya.
• Supporting democracy and the preparation for elections.
• Strengthening civil society and rebuilding through civil society organizations and committees through
training and rehabilitation.
• Promoting respect for human rights and democratization, by promoting education, supporting human rights
organizations, rehabilitating families of victims and women, and supporting entrepreneurs.
The GATP calls for an immediate ceasefire in Libya, a return to negotiation by all parties, a preparation for
elections, and a rejection of any foreign interference in order to reach a peaceful and comprehensive solution.
Furthermore, it welcomes the Libyan army's decision to a ceasefire and its commitment to it and calls on the
parties in the western region and the Presidential Council to respond to the ceasefire, while expressing its concern
about the preparations to attack the city of Sirte, and condemning any foreign interference and the use of
mercenaries in Libya.
The GATP also called on all nations, the United Nations, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation, the African Union, the European Union, and the relevant international organizations to urge all
Libyan parties to renounce violence and infighting and to resort to dialogue to resolve the Libyan crisis, to prevent
bloodshed, to respect human rights and to give back to Libya its vital role in contributing to the achievement of
the international peace and security and the prosperity for the peoples of the region.

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