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Urgent action by the Arab-European Center at the United Nations towards stopping the Israeli aggression on Gaza

10 - 10 - 2023 10:39 208

Ahmed Ghazi, Regional Director of the Arab-European Center for Human Rights and International Law in the Kingdom of Norway, said:
That the Center submitted an urgent request to the United Nations demanding immediate and urgent intervention to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, and impose a military siege on the residents of the Gaza Strip by cutting off their humanitarian needs, guaranteed by international law and international legitimacy, which include water, electricity, food, treatment, etc.

While Ghazi pointed out that the Center made clear during the urgent request sent to the United Nations Secretariat that Israel is currently committing war crimes in Gaza under the cover of the expected international sympathy after the Hamas group breached the border strip or the so-called Gaza envelope and carried out an armed operation there.

Ghazi also criticized the United States of America providing military support to Israel to carry out its military operations, which makes matters more complicated and affects stability and peace in the entire region.

Ghazi said that the Center addressed the United Nations Secretariat with the need for urgent intervention to stop Israeli violations against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Ghazi pointed out that, according to what was reported by Mr. Hassan Safi, representative of the Arab-European Center in Palestine, the Israeli aircraft carried out random missile bombing operations everywhere in the Gaza Strip without warning, which caused many homes to collapse on their occupants, families and families, and caused the killing of many. Women and children, and that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is similar to the catastrophic situation in light of the indiscriminate Israeli bombing of homes in all of the Gaza Strip, with the lack of sufficient civil defense equipment or first aid, in addition to the lack of supplies and the interruption of services as a result of the imposed siege, and that the number of Palestinian deaths is constantly increasing.
In the same context, the Center called on the UN Security Council to carry out its duties to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, provide protection for the civilian population, and hold Israeli leaders accountable for these humanitarian crimes within the framework of international law.

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