آخبار عاجل

"Flashes : Written by Dr. Mustafa Al-Madaini To the bottom... and the glow of frost {to it moment of quenching)

19 - 11 - 2023 11:27 375

I sat alone in a secluded café on a desert road. The prevailing tranquility was comforting. I didn't expect anyone to come here, I came here to sit with myself. I won't hold her accountable, she, like me, possesses what the knowers call self-privilege. She is a similar self, not much different from the despicable, melancholic, and miserable beings. I had decided to stay silent and not bring up any topic.
I focused my gaze on the café door. This way, I will be safe from surprises. I won't speak to anyone, and does this world deserve to be conversed with...
At that moment, a massive man blocked the small café door, and with a grand gesture, the waiter, his assistant, and the café owner who threw himself in front of the man, begging and pleading.
The waiter spoke with a tearful voice, while the assistant hurried to clean the place and clear the spacious path... The owner said, "Sorry, we weren't expecting you, but everything is fine."
The man entered with gravity and sternness. He looked left and right, then shouted in a deadly voice, "You didn't hide, and you know that I'm always here... I came to you because of this..." And he pointed...
The owner turned around, approached me, bowed in greeting, admonishing the waiter and assistant for being negligent...
Then he turned his back and followed the new visitor who took his place at the helm...
The café changed with his presence. Tension ceased, and a dreadful silence spread. Everyone was engrossed in their own thoughts. As for myself, I had learned many lessons throughout life, that we, as respectable pioneers, spend this period of time, learning that we are here for time to pass us by, and we pass through it and follow its footsteps. Sometimes we run after it, and it may deceive us, and we may laugh at it, and approach it with unbearable patience.
The man stood up, approached me, and scrutinized my face. All eyes turned towards me, and I felt that the atmosphere had changed. Here we are, face to face. I don't know him as he is now. His strict posture reflected the severity of lean years, and his full face reflected an old affection. But his presence appeared before me and triggered memories... He is undoubtedly him. Yes, it is certain.
I trembled, but I held myself together, as I am here to find peace.
I had learned from a young age that composure plays an influential role, and assuming the role of a witness who neither sees nor expresses nor comprehends, but have been blessed to take the decision at the decisive moment. The man paused, and I felt his hesitation, am I he who... or am I a different man that no one knows anything about.
He spoke in a hesitant voice, "Why? Why?"
Silence. Actually, I came here to seclude myself, to forget or to ignore the unforgettable... And here it is, the memory that would not have crossed my mind emerging from the depths of the distant past.
The man repeated insistently, "Why? Why?"
Then, with a clear lightness, the man's shackles loosened. He said, "Can I make a request of you?"
I was in a peculiar confusion, not fully grasping what was being asked, and I remained in a state of distraction without agitation or nervousness, and I didn't lose sight of what I had decided on: silence, and nothing else...
In the face of my profound silence, the man's shackles tightened, and he took two steps back, then swiftly disappeared through the door...
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The café owner stood up, raised his head proudly, just like a rooster sending its morning crow, and blood rushed to the face of the waiter who hurried towards me, exclaiming, "Please, sir, feel free in this spacious environment..."

شبكة Gulf 24 منصة إعلامية متميزة تغطى أخبار دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والوطن العربي والعالم تضم بين صفحاتها الرقمية وأبوابها المتنوعة كل ما تحتاجه لتصبح قريباً من ميدان الحدث حيث نوافيك على مدار الساعة بالخبر والتحليل ونسعى أن نصبح نافذتك إلاخبارية التى تمنحك رؤية راصدة تجعل العالم بين يديك ومهما كانت افكارك واهتماماتك. سواء في حقل السياسية، الاقتصاد، الثقافة

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