In the last days of every year, people in all countries express their wishes that they expect to obtain in the New Year, and their hearts are full of hope that divine mercy will help them achieve what they aspire to.
The basket of wishes of Iraqis is large every year, but rarely many of them are fulfilled. Rather, in many years, their share of misfortunes and pain was greater than the wishes that were fulfilled, which seem justified due to the abundance of Iraq’s wealth and resources on the one hand, and the accumulation of problems and sorrows on the other hand. Therefore, there are those who call for being satisfied with little. And for less.
But a light always appears and hope emerges that raises morale and revives hopes for the fulfillment of wishes, and this is what we are seeing these days with the presence of a government that possesses the will and determination and issues initiatives and steps that push us to monitor the wishes of the Iraqis in the New Year.
Among these wishes are:
Politically: The Iraqis hope to establish stability and unite forces and parties to achieve national cohesion and avoid differences, which will lead to accelerating the government’s performance and support, and activating the work of Parliament to legislate the expected laws and exercise its oversight role in a professional and impartial manner, without sectarian and nationalist tensions, and with a view of fair equality for all Iraqis, in harmony with the humanitarian, legal, and constitutional commitment.
Socially: In the new year, Iraqis hope to promote peaceful coexistence and coexistence among all components, avoid violence, and reduce crime, and for religious platforms to practice more humanitarian and social awareness and reduce their preoccupation with politics, to establish higher moral values among young people, and to strengthen family ties, to reduce cases of divorce, deviance, and drug addiction. And strengthening ties of neighbourliness, cooperation and love among members of the same community.
Scientifically and educationally: The Iraqis hope for more attention to the educational environment, especially upgrading school buildings, improving private education, and stopping its descent into profit and commerce, because this new generation is the one who will manage our lives in all its aspects in the future, and for more attention to be given to teachers and teachers and the development of their skills, and for the Ministry of Higher Education to work on Develop a clear, long-term future plan for managing and organizing education, especially private schools, to preserve the reputation of Iraqi universities and the prestigious Iraqi academic certificate, to graduate a generation that possesses the tools of its specialization, is able to keep pace with the times, and has broad opportunities for work.
Governmentally: The Iraqis are waiting for the government to continue implementing its clear service program, for all state institutions and all political forces to support the Prime Minister’s steps of a service nature, and for the provincial councils to be a strong arm for cooperation with the federal government and its president.
With the region: The eyes of many Iraqis are eager to solve the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil, to solve the problems of salaries of the region’s employees, to preserve their dignity, and to strengthen the unity of Iraq, which will lead to the disappointment of all those lurking and fishing in troubled waters who want to exploit the salary problem to sow discord among the people of one nation.
Fighting corruption: Pursuing the most corrupt people and subjecting them to the rule of law is the wish of every Iraqi. This is the enforcement of the law and justice, and it is the only way to restore citizens’ confidence in the political system and restore our children’s confidence in the values of goodness, justice, honesty, and honesty. Otherwise, the corruptors will be the ones who impose their values and morals on Iraqi society.
On every occasion, we must remember the sacrifices of the Iraqi martyrs from all components, forces and official agencies, and we pray for patience and solace for their families.