آخبار عاجل

Iraq's strength in the stability of the Kurdistan region Dr. Abdullah Al-Olayawi

18 - 01 - 2024 8:29 509

Since the founding of its modern state in 1921, Iraq has been going through crises and cases of weakness. Often, the bad stages witnessed by the State of Iraq coincided with the escalation of crises between Baghdad and Kurdistan, while the rapprochement between them was the gateway to achieving great achievements, as happened, for example, in the nationalization of oil, which was accomplished during a stage of reconciliation between the two countries. Baghdad and Kurdistan.
The strength, sovereignty and invincibility of Iraq depend on the understanding and cooperation between Baghdad and Kurdistan, and this equation was unfortunately not understood by many of those who previously ruled Iraq, so the country became weak and dispersed, which was exploited by enemies from abroad, war merchants, and lovers of violence and oppression from the racists inside.

But what gives rise to hope today is that the current Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, realizes the importance of understanding and cooperation between Baghdad and Kurdistan to achieve full Iraqi sovereignty and consolidate the power of the state. Al-Sudani has expressed this awareness more than once through practical positions, whether in his adherence to dialogue and communication with officials in the region. Or flexibility regarding many outstanding issues of a national and humanitarian nature, such as the salaries of the region’s employees.
The facts have proven beyond doubt that Iraq's stability and prosperity in all its regions will not be achieved except through communication, coordination and cooperation between officials in Baghdad and Kurdistan, and that a weak relationship between the two parties is not in anyone's interest and will leave the country open to all threats and targets from various parties.

Historical, national and humanitarian responsibility calls on the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, the President of the Kurdistan Region, and the rest of the officials and political leaders to begin opening a new page of high coordination between the various institutions, in the Federal Government and the Regional Government, in a way that leads to cutting off all pretexts and arguments that are being exploited to target Iraq, and on the people who obstruct The center and the region reached an understanding to realize the depth of the ties and interests that bring together the Iraqis, and that we are all in one big boat called Iraq, and the damage that befalls any part of this boat affects everyone, and we will all lose, God forbid.

Yesterday, Baghdad and the region reached an understanding regarding oil, and we expect, from the brave patriots, a bold decision in the near future that will do justice to the employees of the Kurdistan region and solve their problem once and for all. We also hope that the unity and will of the Iraqis and their political forces will be demonstrated in accelerating the selection of the appropriate person to head Parliament in a way that enables this constitutional institution. To play its pivotal role and to support the government in its endeavor to provide services to citizens and improve the country.

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