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Compudopt, Jonathan Osha: TOP HUMANITY LEADERS AWARDS in recognition of breakthroughs in humanitarian work

17 - 05 - 2024 2:10 333


International lawyer Jonathan Osha, founder and president of the non-profit organization Compudopt as well as founding partner and chairman of the global law firm OSHA BWB, praised the launch of the first edition of the "TOP HUMANITY LEADERS AWARDS," emphasizing that it represents a significant advancement in encouraging humanitarian work worldwide.

The award aims to honor influential and inspiring figures in humanitarianism and those with creative initiatives who have contributed to community development and provided assistance to the needy. Their accomplishments draw global attention and aim to enhance social progress in the Middle East, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and globally.

The event was held under the auspices of the International Good Leaders Association, designated as the Specialized Consultative Advisory and Social Economic Council of the United Nations for 2023, with Dr. Walid Temsah as its Chairman.  The award ceremony was held in the United Arab Emirates and was attended by many prominent figures and celebrities from the region.  The award was initiated by Dr. Basem Al-Halabi, a renowned surgeon, and Dana Al-Snaikh, an award-winning architect. Goodwill ambassador Joanne Abu Hantash, Chair of the International Relations Committee of the Good Leaders Organization under the United Nations Economic and Social Council, also took part in establishing the award.

In comments made during the ceremony, Mr. Osha expressed appreciation on behalf of Compudopt for the generous recognition at this important event and noted that he hopes this event will help provide further support and encouragement for humanitarian efforts around the world.  He highlighted the importance of investing in humanitarian work and supporting humanitarian thoughts and actions, especially in the critical period the world is going through, where endorsement and honoring of beneficial initiatives for good, tolerance, and peace are urgently needed.  Lastly, speaking as an expert in the law and policy of Artificial Intelligence, he noted that he looks forward to continuing efforts to harness that powerful technology in the best interests of society as a whole.

Compudopt Inc. is a U.S.-based non-profit organization that provides free computers, innovative technology training, and broadband internet connections to underserved communities.  www.compudopt.org (+1 281 729 5511).

Osha BWB is an international intellectual property law firm with offices in the U.S., France, China, Japan and the U.A.E.  www.obwb.com (+ 971 4 818 7297).



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