آخبار عاجل

The Wonderful Relationship between Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Ali ibn Abi-Talib 1..By_ Salwa Al-Mu'ayyad

02 - 06 - 2019 2:30 2011


Islamic history bears witness to the deep and strong relationship between Al-Farooq Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Imam Ali ibn Abi -Talib, may Allah be pleased with them.

Ali ibn Abi -Talib considered Omar a spiritual father and kept his company throughout his entire life. There is a lot of evidence for that, which I will cite in these episodes, along with all the information I could gather about those two great Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. This close spiritual relationship started with Omar ibn Al-Khattab's accepting Islam, which was one of the dearest wishes of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The Prophet wished to see this dedicated, enlightened and strong man convert to Islam. Ali ibn Abi -Talib also had the same wish to see Islam spread and prosper at the hand of such strong advocates as Omar. When Ali ibn Abi -Talib was told that Omar embraced Islam, he said, "This is a man whom Allah has named 'Al-Farooq', the one who distinguishes between right and wrong. I heard the Prophet, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, say: 'O Allah! Bring support to Islam through [the conversion of] either one of the two Omars.' " This Hadith was related by At-Tirmidhi. By the two Omars, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, referred to Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Amr ibn Hisham, as he knew they possessed knowledge, culture and noble character.

During Muslims' Emigration from Mecca to Medina, given Muslims had been severely persecuted, Muslims migrated secretly to avoid being attacked by the disbelievers. Yet, Omar ibn Al-Khattab refused to leave secretly. He announced his conversion and intention to immigrate to Medina openly amid the people of Quraish. Ali ibn Abi -Talib said, "All the Emigrants I know of fled secretly except for Omar ibn Al-Khattab. When he intended to emigrate, he took his bow and an arrow and headed to the Kaaba while many of the Quraishites were gathered in its courtyard. Omar circled the Kaaba seven times without any hindrance, offered prayer at Abraham's Station, then he stood up and said to them: ' May these faces be deformed. Whoever wants his mother to be bereaved, his wife widowed, let him follow me behind that valley.' "

On another occasion, Ali ibn Abi -Talib expressed how Prophet Muhammad held Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Abi  Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with them, very dear to his heart, saying: "I was sitting with the Prophet, Allah's prayer and peace be upon him, when Abi  Bakr and Omar, Allah be pleased with them, approached. He, prayer and peace be upon him, said, 'These two are the masters of the elderly and the youth of paradise next to the Prophets and Messengers [Peace be with them], and don't tell them, O Ali.' "

Ali said he frequently heard the Prophet saying, "I came with Abi  Bakr and Omar; I left with Abi  Bakr and Omar." Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, taught Omar ibn Al-Khattab to increase his knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, as Omar tended to contemplate and consider matters carefully before passing judgments. Omar's judgments reflected his deep wisdom, broad-mindedness, sharp mental capacity, brilliance, extensive knowledge and insight of people and life. Omar enjoyed a great status both before and in Islam.

Ali ibn Abi -Talib supported Omar ibn Al-Khattab diligence during his rule concerning Islamic rulings concerning matters that were not clarified in religious texts.

When Omar ibn Al-Khattab became Caliph, he called people to perform Taraweeh prayer in congregation, having seen Muslims perform it individually in Ramadan. Omar said: "By Allah, I believe if we gather all those people behind one Imam [prayer leader], it would be better." Omar ordered Ubay ibn Kaab to lead the prayer in Ramadan. Then he sent to the rulers of all Muslim states asking them to call people to perform Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan. Ali ibn Abi -Talib passed by mosques and found them lit up and full of worshippers after they had used to be closed after Ishaa prayer in Ramadan. Ali said, "May Allah lit up the grave of Omar as he lit up the Mosques with Quran."

This is how Muslims came to offer Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan and recite the Quran and ponder on it during that prayer. TO BE CONTINUED.

شبكة Gulf 24 منصة إعلامية متميزة تغطى أخبار دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والوطن العربي والعالم تضم بين صفحاتها الرقمية وأبوابها المتنوعة كل ما تحتاجه لتصبح قريباً من ميدان الحدث حيث نوافيك على مدار الساعة بالخبر والتحليل ونسعى أن نصبح نافذتك إلاخبارية التى تمنحك رؤية راصدة تجعل العالم بين يديك ومهما كانت افكارك واهتماماتك. سواء في حقل السياسية، الاقتصاد، الثقافة

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